Infill well placement is the most important decision in shale development. Our technology accurately models parent and child well drainage so you can create the best economics from each DSU. See how the DSU Design Service uses all available data to optimize spacing and drastically improve returns. collects all relevant geologic, production, and diagnostic data in your target AOI. Then, after running hundreds of design scenarios, we share the economic tradeoffs for well spacing, landing zone targeting, and completion design decisions. combines your data, your experience, and your cost structure to generate accurate forecasts months before wells are drilled and completed.
A unique combination of expertise in AI, engineering, and geoscience, we have lived the challenge of unearthing subsurface insights from esoteric data sets across countless big dollar projects and programs. We encode learnings using our proprietary cloud platform to automate complex calculations and assumptions into cascading workflows. The result is industry-leading subsurface analytics, adapted to your asset, that scale up and down with your rig count.