Full house at the January 22nd Calgary Lunch and Learn presented by Kyle LaMotta, VP of Analytics at Petro.ai, on the impact of well orientation in the Montney and Duvernay plays.
As North American shale reservoirs reach maturity, the need to optimize development plans has become more demanding and essential. There are many variables that are within our control as we design a well: lateral length, landing zone, completion design, and so on. In situ stress is clearly not something we can directly control, but we can optimize around using an under-appreciated mechanism: well orientation.
The vast scale of available data on monthly production and well orientation provides an opportunity for data science and machine learning to help optimize on this variable.
Our team at Petro.ai has done some clever work, investigating how well orientation with respect to the maximum horizontal stress can be an important variable in well design. This unique approach blends principles of geomechanics with data science techniques to uncover new insights in completions design.
We had the incredible opportunity to visit Calgary on January 22nd, during a thankfully mild week, for a lunch and learn about the effects of well orientation on production in the Montney and Duvernay. We greatly appreciated the warm welcome, fantastic turnout, and keen interest in our presentation by Petro.ai VP of Analytics Kyle LaMotta. He brought his passion and expertise to an awesome and insightful event!
Because of the amazing response in Calgary, we wanted to bring this lunch and learn event to some upcoming cities. Coming soon to:
- Houston 2/25/20
- Denver 3/11/20
- Midland — coming soon
For more info on all our upcoming events, please join the Petro.ai community for updates.