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Data Science & Analytics Newsreel: All the News You Need to Know

Rosemary Jackson  •  

Stress Log Viewer joins global apps

Stress Log Viewer allows you to view and manage stress logs that are used to create a 3D stress model in These stress models are used as customizable inputs into the geomechanical model that underlies a lot of the apps and workflows in Things like our Treating Pressure Prediction App rely on the stress profiles and this new app allows users to customize what’s in there and tweak that model. 

Why a Global App?

Charles, VP of Product explains, “Global Apps live outside the context of a Petron. The Petron is your personal workspace but some apps are really just viewers - there is no input and no output so you don't really need to be in a Petron. Making it a global apps also means we can put it on the user homepage and users don’t have to first go into a Petron before getting into the app.” There are five Global Apps right now in the Platform: PetroEarth, Stress Log Viewer, Type Curve Comparison, Video Explorer, and Well Browser. Check them out!

Type Curve App Adds Additional Plots

Cum vs Time and Rate vs Cum plots have rounded out the informational features on the Type Curve.

Gunbarrel gets New Look

Color by and size by options are making the gunbarrel plot easier to read and more interactive

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